My name is Meg Ghyll and I am a self-taught artist from West Yorkshire, England. My art is predominantly based around animals and in the preferred medium of the humble pencil. At the moment I am focussing a lot of my work on British Wildlife but I am hoping to produce an Endanger Wildlife collection for future exhibition. This is in between undertaking various pet commissions. Please see my Galleries to see past examples of pet portraits. If you are interested in commissioning me to capture a beloved pet in pencil please don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss your requirements.
Many thanks for taking the time to pop along to my site, I hope you enjoy your visit!
A Recent Commission: Jazz (Welsh D X Warmblood)
One of my latest drawings, I couldn't resist the pose of this girl, carefully selected as from the selection of photos provided by my customer. She was to be a graduation gift to her owner Becky who posted this on my Facebook page "Ahh, my pony! Thank you so much! I love it!!"
Latest Drawing Project In Progress: An Atlantic Puffin Study
I got to spend plenty of time getting to learn the quirky ways of the hugely charismatic Puffin whilst volunteering on Skomer Island a couple of years ago. Fantastic little birds that spend most of their lives at sea and come to our islands only to breed and raise their Pufflings. I've a lot more in store for this portrait but progress is currently on hold while I complete Christmas commissions!